"9 Square in the Air" Set-up Instructions

Set up is quick, easy and safe! There are many ways to set-up 9 Square in the Air and below you will find one of the simplest ways to get 9 Square in the Air set-up with 2 people in about 5 minutes.

1) Remove connectors and pipe from the three storage bags. There are 3 way, 4 way and 5 way connectors.

2) Attach the connectors to the legs. Insert the collapsable leg into the connector part that has the 9 Square in the Air sticker as shown.

3) Set the leg poles to your desired height: 5, 6, or 7 feet. (Some prefer to set it up at a lower height and raise the height of the legs once set-up is complete.)

4) Create one square of your choice. The video shows starting with a corner square.

5) Build off the first square to create the other squares following the diagram.

6) Play 9 Square in the Air! 

Once assembled, your 9 Square in the Air game set is sturdy and durable.  The ball bounces off of the pipe in a fun way creating a ping-pong effect.  Enjoy the fun!

Fast & Easy Set-up!

Take Down Instructions

1) Using the provided take down tools, press the tool into the button on the connectors.  This releases the crossbars and legs from the connectors

2) Store the cross bars in the longest bag, the collapsed legs in the other long bag and store the connectors in the small bag.